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Dulce Underground Base: Smuggled Footage

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The Dulce underground secret base is purportedly under Mt. Archuleta near Dulce, New Mexico.  This is supposedly the largest Reptilian and Grey base in America where there are allegedly atomic manipulation, cloning, studies of the human aura, advanced mind control applications, animal/human crossbreeding, visual and audio human chip implantation, abduction and feeding off of humans



This footage has allegedly been smuggled out from the Dulce alien underground base where humans and aliens work together on horrific bio genetic experiments this mind blowing new footage leaves many questions unanswered you can see a vast hall of cryo genetic feeding tanks and vats.


 Each of these tell a confusing, disturbing story of human / alien interaction in the top secret

Human alien hybrid breeding programs 


The Dulce base is part of a the multi-leveled conspiracy involving underground bases, black helicopters, New World Order plans, illegal industrial-military treaties with ETS, aerospace anti-gravity secrets preserved by deadly force, kidnapping and genetic engineering, experiments which take place “in the black” (in that the alien-corporate monopolies operate under industrial security clearance levels so deep that even congressional regulators cannot access and oversee them




The Secret Government cloned humans by a process perfected in the world’s largest and most advanced biogenetic research facility, Los Alamos. The elite humans now have their own disposable slave-race.


Like the alien Greys, the US Government secretly impregnated females, then removed the hybrid fetus after a three month time period, before accelerating their growth in laboratories. Biogenetic (DNA Manipulation) programming is then instilled – they are implanted and controlled at a distance through RF (Radio Frequency) transmissions.


Many Humans are also being implanted with brain transceivers. These act as telepathic communication “channels” and telemetric brain manipulation devices. This network was developed and initiated by DARPA. Two of the procedures were RHIC (Radio-Hypnotic Intercerebral Control) and EDOM (Electronic Dissolution of Memory).


They also developed ELF and EM wave propagation equipment, which affect the nerves and can cause nausea, fatigue, irritability, even death. This research into biodynamic relationships within organisms has produced a technology that can change the genetic structure and heal.


Overt and Covert Research


U.S. Energy Secretary John Herrington named the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and New Mexico’s Los Alamos National Laboratory to house new advanced genetic research centers as part of a project to decipher the human genome. The genome holds the genetically coded instructions that guide the transformation of a single cell, a fertilized egg, into a biological organism.


Your government made it illegal for you to put humans in cages, but they made deals with aliens to put humans in cages and to kill them and eat them. Now what do you think of your government?

Dulce, New Mexico is a small town, but it’s a bee hive of activity for aliens. This article by Sherry Shriner will tell you more about it. These aliens eat humans and they keep them in cages, until they are ready to kill them. They love children! If you want someone to sit down and tell you all about the Dulce underground base, for the next 30 minutes, this video will do that for you. You’ll get an earful. It took Sherry years to accumulate this information and I’ve read a lot about Dulce and what she writes is in accordance with what I’ve read. This report is the best I can do to working up to doing the Thomas Castello Story.


In this, his second Veritas interview, software engineer, author and researcher Anthony F. Sanchez delves into the stuff of his lauded new book, UFO Highway. He talks about secret underground bases, the Maglev rail lines that connect them, ET technology, anatomical mutilation, the Illuminati, HAARP, and more — all corroborated, he says, by his interviews with a mysterious “Colonel X” who worked at Dulce.

Weighing in with almost 400 pages of data, UFO Highway material percolates throughout this discussion in tantalizing bits and starts. During the second hour facts start flying fast and furiously. Among some of the bombs Sanchez drops on us:

An 1870s Apache warrior/small being confrontation left bones and guns lying inside a New Mexico cave, evidence of a violent battle left untouched until 1938. Within those caves tablets were found documenting the entire history of the Grays “since their creation on Earth.” The Grays are expecting their progenitors to return in 2012.

There are many groups and types of Grays. One group was created by the progenitors to manage the human population who were mining gold and doing agriculture, serving the Anunnaki. Then there are the Austra Albus, placed at Dulce and infected with some disease, although they survived.

Dissident Grays fought lower level Grays alongside U.S. military personnel at Dulce at one point. The dissidents are 600 years old mostly, and have a different doctrine than the lower level Grays. The lower level Grays are thousands of years old.

The Austra Albus can breed with humans. They are, in fact, 99.99% human. The Honorable Lady Barbara Judge, chairman of Hyperion, is one of them. Hyperion is working out of Dulce and Judge is in charge of the program that intends to sell miniature nuclear reactors as individual-use power devices across the planet. “Pine Gap uses them, Mount Weather, all these underground facilities use them.”

The 4-corners area of New Mexico has the highest levels of missing people in the country; women of child-bearing age, and young men from 10 to 15, the prime age for super soldier programs. These military abductions are an outgrowth of things the Grays have been teaching us since the 1940s. “The Dulce facility — it’s horrific what they are doing to these people.”.

China has been selected by the new world order to invade the rest of the world after a false flag, mass landing event causes pandemonium. China has built “the mother of underground bases,” and is developing stealth technology at an alarming rate. “It’s alien technology.” A massive human depopulation program is going to be implemented thereafter. What China doesn’t know is that “the Chinese are being manipulated by human-alien hybrids who have controlled this planet since the very beginning.” The human depopulation program is to begin with them.

Project Leonid is a low Earth orbit defense system successfully launched by the U.S. Using satellites of various sizes, it will combat a space war with the Chinese and ETs. It uses artificial intelligence, however, and has a 30% chance of following its own plans.



Follow these links for related research.


The Dulce Base @…

The Dulce Outside over head views of base and powerplant @…

Dulce Base: What Are We Seeing @…

The Dulce Book @


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    Total 51 comments
    • Reaper

      In 2001-2003 ot thereabouts, many who’s who in the US went to China to meet their people….the list of those attending would surprise you…..—-then again—maybe not….Deals were made that are just now taking shape—part of that is to disarm americans so resistence is null if any….Dulce is……

      • 33rd

        And what about Dan Burisch who claims that the Grays are in fact humans from separate timelines from 30,000 and 50,000 years in our future.The 30k year old grays who want to continue the genetic manipulation on humans in order to justify their own existence while the other 50k year old grays want to put a stop to it and find a cure because their race is dying in the future….

        • Accurately

          There’s more than one answer to the question of who the “Grays” are. The more important question though (which the answer tells who some of the “Grays” are incidentially) is who are some of them warning us about? Who are the “bearers of false gifts and broken promises?”. It’s highly probable that some of the “Grays” are inhabited by the soul/spirit of former humans. How they got there and who put them into those forms are a couple of other good questions. You have to open your mind “extradimensionally” to completely wrap your mind around what’s really going on. The good news is all the information is available; it’s just a matter of sorting it all out to your satisfaction.

        • FrankCastle420

          you’ve been watching too much fringe, sounds alot like the observers plot line to me

        • Gil Carlson

          It’s here! SECRETS OF DULCE BASE: Warning! This is not science fiction, this is so much worse!

        • Gil Carlson

          They say that Dulce Base in New Mexico was for years the home to government and alien genetic experiments and that today the caverns deep below are still home to reptilian aliens who are anxious to claim their old home, the surface of the Earth!

          Don’t believe me? Take a look but don’t get too close, these aliens would like to have you for lunch!

        • Armed Gentleman

          I read that too, no comment, stuff is far out. Not unbelievable but just crazy, the truth always is.

        • cann

          You got this from a project camelot interview? Kerry has interviewed a lot of whistleblowers. Some might be legit, some others I’m not sure.

          FYI – the videos posted above are re-posted from other posts I’ve seen on BIN several times before. They’re at least a year or more older. Videos are so close up and blurry, there’s no way to prove its legit; it could all be part of some CGI movie.

      • 2QIK4U

        ALL ASIAN’S ARE :mrgreen:

    • Fianna

      The military was looking for scientist’s a few years ago to work out of Los Alamos to make Cancer infecting nano’s for injecting into humans.

    • gapatriot

      Same ol grainy footage of blobs and unable to see clearly.Jeesh you would think if they are that close they could get clear footage,oh I guess the cost of a videocam that takes a clear pic is too much for them.My cell phone takes a video then these cameras.
      Just another hog looking for some recognition.
      Nothing to SEE here folks same ol same same ol.

      • Anonymous

        Thany you gapatriot finally someone with some sense. Read my post that starts with, “The ravings of a lunatic mind.”

    • anonymoustache

      The YouTube videos of Cyrax and Flyrax are not exactly what I would call credible research…
      they are more sensationalized parodies of the bizarre.

      Black budget abuses would get more attention if people would focus on the more obvious,less sensationalistic
      aspects of the abuses of money&power that take place at these locations.

      It is a well-known,even publicly televised fact that the OJ Simpson defense tactic of
      “change the subject&confuse the issue”
      has been the gov’s standard defense mechanism concerning ufo’s and black budget activities
      for decades.

      You question their spending activities&abuses of power and they just start teasing you about ufo’s-
      simple as that.

      It’s not just that they say you saw a ufo if you see a black budget craft-
      it’s steering the public clear of the bases as well.

      Even for most of the personnel at these locations this is ONLY research-
      albeit the highest level of government research-
      NOT aliens&spaceships.

      You say otherwise and you just may get transferred to nowhere or worse.

    • YouGottaBeKidding

      I don’t think this footage is real! If memory services me right this is from a 1990 Japanese documentary created by Nippon Television & this “footage” was created with computers & other animation techniques.

    • Minobsmasivfski

      For cryin out loud, why bother showing bad film like that . Just permanently delete it , it,s worthless ey

      • Volcano

        I agree .. Bad photoshop work

    • Usefuleater

      B.I.N. rehash. The video is not convincing enough to report a second-time. While I believe the concepts are plausible, no one has provided, outside of photographs of cattle mutilitations in the area, any video evidence worth showing. I willl agree that the PTB haves shifted American wealth to China and they have successfully developed technologies we don’t possess. What he says about our economy being owned by the Chinese is only partially true…it is owned by the Fed and the Chinese.

    • Anonymous

      These people are sick, very sick. hmmmm I wonder if hillary, obama, clinton or reid are one of the hybrids??

    • Anonymous

      The ravings of a lunatic mind. If I was going to take photo’s and videos of these vats I would make sure they weren’t out of focus. Oh, I forgot they are purposely out of focus because if they weren’t we could tell they were a hoax.

    • Cosmic Charlie

      They stole my brain and killed me. Now I can only write on BIN!! Dulce stole me brain! Halp!

    • Thane36425

      Poor video aside…

      They are from Andromeda? That’s 2.5 million light years away and is about the size of our galaxy. They must have really made a mess of the place to come all this way. If they managed to come here from there and they have been here for hundreds or thousands of years, why not take over when all we had were pointy bits of metal like swords and arrows?

      Secondly: making copies of a fetus doesn’t make sense. That’s already a well developed thing. It would make far more sense to harvest cells from the earliest stages zygote stages when all the cells are still the same and, current research suggests, could be taken apart and each cell put in a new “egg” and will develop on its own.

      As for the extermination and all that: humans are fully capable of doing that on their own and have many times before. The only difference is that now the psychos have a global reach.

    • AUSSIEwill

      everything is an agenda ,in space u have no time,,time is man created for the earthlings,,,erathlings being a manipulated chromosone created by another alienrace ,all the gods we of today hav been mistaken by these alien beings,,,the humanbrain is so suppressed from the truth of the universe we stayed in our simple minds,,,,bigbig wake up call comming soon,,

      • Equalizer


    • Anonymous

      I hear we taste a lot like chicken, according to my grey contracts at Dulce. A little A-1 sauce, and voila!

    • munkeysuit

      I often frequent these to check out those cool ads on the side there…Heirloom Organics looks legit!

    • Forthwithtx

      First two minutes of the 12 minute video is the opening montage, the next three minutes is an introduction. The next three minutes is setup. So, the remaining 4 minutes is (perhaps) a bit of truth, mixed with the absolute untruth of extra-terrestrial alien invasion (the great alien seed/cosmic Jesus/Annunaki deception).

    • MG

      What this is, is combined footage with fake and combined truth with lies. The reason the footage would be so bad is because if they using alien technology to protect any area, the only way you’re gonna get a shot is with something engineered to get around their technology, and plus anyone who’s dine filming knows without light you get artifacts.

      So when you see this type of info, just know this is how the alien types work. You’ll get light and dark and told it’s all one color.

    • deenie

      Sounds like a bad sci-fi novel. Need more compelling evidence than a very poor quality film.

    • g-man

      how many times can the same crap video be inserted into parallel story lines at BIN? looks like about 600 so far. going for a Guinness record?

    • itsjustme

      #1 It ticks me off that when you sign in there’s an ad just above it that asks for name/password.
      They know damn well people will acidentally sign in for the ad. Shame on you “Before It’s

    • Johan the viking


      • Apollo is the A/C

        No. You’re safe. I guess she’s on house arrest! :lol:

    • Don't be hating!

      Dam this is all crazy. Might as well live your life in the moment and hope to see another day. If no you will go crazy reading all of this crap..Beer anyone?

    • Apollo is the A/C

      Whoever shot this video should be punched in the face…………….just for being a lousy photographer.

    • Anti

      Coincidence that videos are removed/ won’t load?

    • Gil Carlson

      I think there is enough credible evidence to make an intelligent person realize something very dangerous has been going on that needs to be questioned and shouldn’t be dismissed as a hoax outright!
      You may find some additional info on this Dulce Secrets site:

    • Gil Carlson

      Are there really aliens in secret tunnels underneath the Dulce Base in New Mexico? All I know is I found a lot of very credible Dulce information and drawings at:

    • Gil Carlson

      Are deep underground tunnels being built to protect the elite from the effects of Planet X? See what the “Secrets of the Dulce Base Alien Underground” reveals about underground tunnels, bunkers and secret bases:

    • Factory Farms FEAR the MooCow

      Mooooo cattle abduct. :grin:

    • KBillColorado

      This has probably been mentioned before, but why would the little town of Dulce need a paved 7500+ foot runway? A 1.42 mile long runway in the middle of nowhere? :lol:

    • WarpLover

      Crap. Stolen video? Bull. The video shows nothing.
      Move along. Nothing to see here.

    • LavenderRose

      one of the videos stopped working, great post…keep on

    • Syco247

      This twaddle again? This is like the 15th time I have seen this crap-o-matic video. Why is it these videos and photos of “proof” are this out of focus and blurry? I have seen better bigfoot photos.

      :lol: :twisted: :lol: :twisted: :lol:

    • Arte Vespule

      How come every “secret” “smuggled” film of some “alien base” is always blurry, and always so dark? It’s like they don’t really want you to see any details. One can only assume this is BS. If I were filming that I would have focused the damn camera, or phone or whatever. I certainly would have gotten a closeup of whatever was in those tanks for sure. That’s how you know it’s BS. They didn’t even try….

    • Anonymous

      Fottage of “tanks” from TV show Battlestar Galactica. Cylon tanks used to grow new bodies for “reborn” Cylons.

    • Air Quotes Shill Air Quotes

      This “footage” has been on the internet for over 15 years and is from a Japanese or Chinese documentary on Dulce.

      It’s not real, it was dramatization footage.

      The reason the quality is garbage is because its so old, it pre dates YouTube and was originally encoded and put online in the RealVideo format.

      O how quickly the internet forgets.

    • The Watcher



      disarm america to initiate global extermination

    • Confederate

      Prove it!



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